You are The Thriver.

There’s a lifestyle revolution in the world. Off-grid homes, Crypto, eCourse-based Businesses, Energy-Healing, Minimalism, Hypnotherapy, Permaculture, Rewilding, Homeschooling, World Passports, Tiny Homes, Herbalism, Heirloom Seed Collecting—a thriver revolution. And you want to be part of it.

But how do you get started?

You need a guide. A companion for the journey.

You need to rediscover that you’re brave enough.

You are The Thriver.

The Ultimate Guide To Sovereignty

The Thriver newsletter program helps you level up your freedom living game every single week.

It features:

  • A new freedom tactic every week

  • Member discounts that help you break free from old systems

Each week you get:

  1. A rundown of thriving lifestyle opportunities to capture

  2. A new tactic to learn and implement with actions steps

  3. A thought piece for inspiration and strategy calibration

A few more things...

  • A sovereign lifestyle is going to be difficult, but there is no other option

  • Start honoring inconvenience—this is the way you'll get through this

  • Maintain healthy optimism, an open mind and critical thinking along your journey

We focus on level-ups. This is free program is aimed to help you observe, tune, reduce, nourish, store, build, decentralize, play and rewild and ultimately THRIVE in this new creator economy and alternative lifestyle revolution. 

Welcome to the most exciting lifestyle revolution in human history.

We are The Thrivers.

📖 Explore the program by starting with The Thriver guide.

A FREE newsletter program.

In thriving, the right prepper tip can save lives. An amazing off-grid land opportunity can make all the difference to start your dream life. A good course deal can help you gain a critical survival skill.

This may one of the best time investments you make.

Where do I start?

📖 Get started with The Thriver guide.

Who’s the author?

I’m Whisper Wels, a lover of nomadic and earth steward living, and a dreamer of a world where people have greater lifestyle sovereignty and need fewer centralized power systems. My goal is to help bring a billion people to a thriving lifestyle over the next two decades. I’m joined by my partner Gerald Wels.

We are learning with you as we go through this journey together.

Why the name?

Our convenience-oriented lifestyles today were designed by systems that no longer serve us. The Thriver lifestyle provides an alternative. The option of sovereign living and being.


  • Instead of centralized and commerical banks we have crypto and money protocols, cash, precious metals and bartering

  • Instead of municipal utilities we have energy co-ops and off-grid renewable systems and gadgets

  • Instead of industrialized agriculture we have local organic food system, permaculture and indigenous food growing methods

  • Instead of mainstream media and intertainment we have books, independent film, musicians, poets, comedians, local theatre groups and video, podcast, blog, newsletter and social media creators

  • Instead of institutional education we have a sharp rise of homeschoolers

  • Instead of big pharma healthcare we have energy healing, naturopathic medicine, herbalists, hypnotherapists, joyologists and more

In a world where knowledge and privacy is preserved, proximity to nature is gold and connection, simplicity and simply being human is valued, the entire lifestyle system changes.

So The Thriver is about thriving. And thriving for all. And less dependance on centralized power.

We are The Thriver Revolution.

Having the right model is the best way to make the changes needed to thrive in uncertain times.

This free newsletter program helps you get there.

What are you waiting for?

Are you ready to begin your Thriver journey?

Subscribe to The Thriver

The ultimate guide to living a life with purpose, privacy and passion—free from big tech and centralized systems. Join a growing community on The Thriver journey. We help you advance your freedom lifestyle game. Let's unite and ascend!


Off-grid tiny home builder, newsletter author and co-host at The Thriver podcast.
Off-grid living nomad, course creator and co-host at The Thriver Podcast.